Hey Jaguars! Wanna Go Abroad?

Interested in studying abroad without the cost? GSU understands and wants to see you thrive. (phot courtest of JP Valery)

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to live in another country? Are you interested in a particular language or culture? Maybe you just want to get away for a week or two. More than likely, you’ll find a perfect opportunity through Governors State’s study abroad program. 


On Monday, Feb. 22, the Office of International Services (OIS) hosted a “Study Abroad 101” session that offered a brief overview of the programs that they offer. In short, there are three ways to study abroad at GSU: joining a 1-3 week faculty-led program, enrolling in a partner school, or designing an independent trip. 


OIS Assistant Director Amy Soub says that there are endless advantages to studying abroad. Among these benefits includes personal growth, intercultural development, a broadened worldview, dispelled stereotypes, and educational or career attainment. 


In order to participate, undergraduate students must have a 2.5 GPA and graduate students must have a 3.0 GPA (in some circumstances, a student with an insufficient GPA may provide supplementary paperwork to qualify). Further, students must have completed their freshman year and transfer students must complete at least one semester at GSU. Students also need to be in good financial, academic, and community standing. 


There are many scholarships available to students that are interested in studying abroad. Governors State offers $250-750 through their Study Abroad Scholarship. Other federally-funded scholarships are listed on OIS’s website here: https://www.govst.edu/ea-scholarships/ 


Even though the OIS is not currently approving international travel, Soub predicts that programs will resume functioning by Spring of 2022. Depending on the state of coronavirus, travel may resume as early as the fall. However, Soub says that it wouldn’t hurt to start planning now. It typically takes about a year to plan the details of a study abroad trip.  


If you’d like to “get your feet wet,” Soub suggests joining GSU’s International Culture Organization, whose membership is primarily composed of international students.  


Amy Soub is passionate about how studying abroad impacts student growth, and she is more than willing to work with students to find a program that aligns with their career goals and financial needs. If you have interest in studying abroad of the International Culture Organization, please reach out to [email protected].