It’s that time of year again when the Governors State community cools off and takes a needed winter break. The Phoenix is done publishing stories for 2024, but we will return in January.
Looking back on this year, we celebrate our engagement with the campus community. More students wrote for the Phoenix this semester than ever before. We were able to cover stories that matter to the community and have some fun.
Looking forward to next semester, we plan to keep up our momentum. We are looking for ways to tell more of the stories the students, staff and faculty at GovState want to hear. We want to increase collaboration between the Phoenix, Radio Jaguar and GSU TV. We are also moving into a new space! (More details are coming soon.)
If you are interested in writing for Phoenix next semester or want to suggest a story or an event that needs to be covered, email our advisor, Lara Hyrcaj.
See you soon!