Anime and Gaming club seeks members through Hello Travelers event

On Jan 20, the Jaguar Anime and Gaming club started the year with its Hello Travelers event. Hello Travelers was, in essence, an event to drive up club membership and engage with students across campus in a shared love for video games. The turnout for the event was good with a nice mix of club members and GSU students enjoying video games together.

Speaking with Vice President Eraina Green and Treasurer Angelina Antolin, they mentioned that in the month of February, the JAGC is planning to have events celebrating black culture through the medium of anime and video game characters. Exact event dates, and type of events were not mentioned. They also noted there was a plan to do an event for Valentine’s Day.

Picture from Hello Travelers event

The goal of the Jaguar Anime and Gaming club is to foster an environment of people from different backgrounds and ethnicities to join in playing video games and learning more about each other’s cultures.

Antolin also mentioned that the JAGC is a safe space for anyone who wants to join. Members of the club can be found in the game room on a daily basis, so it is very easy to connect with members of the club and join.