Club Profile: Black Student Union

One of the clubs that has been reactivated post-pandemic on the GSU campus is the Black Student Union (BSU).

The BSU is a very vital organization to the ecosystem of the college. It is an organization that supports black students on campus to strive for excellence, as well as to bring cultural awareness to every corner of Governors State. It is also a safe space and support system for black students on campus and prides itself on inclusivity so any student who desires to be a part can join. The club represents something bigger than the individuals who join it.

The current president, Michelle Marshall, joined BSU and jumped into the role as president of it after learning that there was no transition of power from the previous members of the club during the COVID shutdown. After starting the club back up she grew to love the position and took pride in being a leader in BSU because it allowed her to help black students on campus further.

As president, she heavily promotes community service and collaboration and leading by example. She hopes that her time as president helps create a solid foundation and an unwavering tone for BSU as it continues forward. She has made efforts to make the environment of the Black Student Union one of comfortability. She also desires BSU to be a benefit for black students who need a support system.

In the Spring Semester of 2023, the Black Student Union plans to host a BSU week during February to coincide with Black History Month to honor black history and celebrate black excellence of the past, present, and future. Proposed events for that week include a Melanin Ball, where attendants come dressed in tones of brown, a ’90s trivia night, a BSU speed dating event, a Black jeopardy event, and a banquet to end the week. Please note that these events are yet to be fully finalized, and BSU is willing to hear any additional event proposals.

BSU ultimately represents something bigger than itself, and members pride themselves on being good representatives and a dominant force for good and change on campus. If anyone would like to join the first and only step is to email [email protected] and express interest in joining the organization.