Labor negotiations continue among GSU administration, faculty, and staff

Administrators from Governors State University met with faculty and staff to discuss the details of union contracts on Friday, Nov. 11. GSU-UPI members have been working without a contract since June.

This last round in the labor discussion heard the administration proposing a counteroffer of a 2.25% increase in annual salaries for union employees for this year and next. The third year of this proposed contract would guarantee a 2% raise. The parties have gone back and forth over salary and other contract issues throughout the negotiation process.

This table shows the salary increases for union contracts that have been proposed so far.

The next session of negotiations is scheduled for Nov. 28 in Engbretson Hall. Faculty and staff representing the union are expected to counter with updated salary requests at this meeting. GSU-UPI members are asking students, faculty, and staff to wear green on Thursdays as a show of solidarity and support.