Club Profile: Jaguar Anime and Gaming Club

President of the Jaguar Anime and Gaming Club Ramus Berryhill

During the pandemic, a lot of GSU’s clubs became inactive; now that the campus has reopened, clubs are scrambling to become active once again.

One of the clubs to make a comeback is the gaming club, now rechristened the GSU Anime and Gaming Club. An entirely new roster of students has gathered to bring people across the GSU campus together with anime and video games.

The story of how this club became reactivated starts with one student’s dream. Ramus Berryhill came to campus this fall with the goal to unite students through the power of anime and video games, so he decided to organize a club.

Over the following weeks, Berryhill gathered members from across the campus to a Snapchat group chat, and the club formed unofficially without an executive board and advisor. One day, Berryhill learned about Dr. Katherine Carl who serves as the advisor for the club. A meeting with Carl led to the official reactivation of the club on Friday, Sept. 30

Berryhill asked around to members who wanted to be on the e-board and six members volunteered to step up and become leaders in the club, Berryhill assumed the reigns as presideny. With the E-board in place, a brand-new constitution was drafted and now the club is running at full steam ahead and has lots of things planned for the rest of the academic year.

Members of the club regularly hang out in the Gaming Lounge in the A-building at 3 p.m. Monday through Thursday with a variety of games such as Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and Genshin Impact.

If this article has interested you, the next meeting for the Jaguar Anime and Gaming Club is on Friday, Nov. 11,  at 5:30 p.m. in A2110. Their next event is a Friendsgiving Potluck on Nov. 18, at Engbretson Hall at 1 p.m. If you wish to join or know more, many members hang out in the Gaming Lounge on campus in the A-Building.