‘Voice of the Streets’ sets the beat for Jaguar Prowl Homecoming Ball

Nuha Abdessalam

Vicki Street (center with microphone) and GSU students dance at the University Park Golf Course Clubhouse.

GSU students, staff, and faculty celebrated this year’s Jaguar Prowl Homecoming Sneaker Ball off-campus at the University Park Golf Course Clubhouse on Friday, Oct. 21.

Konya Sledge, director of the Center for Student Engagement and Intercultural Programming,  planned the night’s festivity theme of grabbing your favorite sneakers, J’s, or gym shoes and dressing in your finest threads. Live performances by musical innovator Vicki Street, known as “The Voice of the Streets,”  entertained and brought the noise in a big way to the dance floor for GSU.

Alongside the live upbeat music and the provided food and refreshments, the event’s decorations were oozing with prideful GSU colors and cool swag waiting for attendees at tables like GSU logo-ed sunglasses, power adaptors, USB cellphone fans, bumper stickers, and more as party favors.

The Phoenix spoke with GSU’ sophomore Spencer Kick, who attended the Homecoming event, on what he’s liked most. Kick said, “I’ve really liked this year’s Homecoming; it feels like it’s going back to normal now, a more personal and tight-knitted feeling in our school.” Kick added, “It’s been a lot of fun; I feel welcomed.”

Overall, excitement and joy were easy to spot throughout the evening, with some even expressing feelings of acceptance and hopefulness. GSU sophomore Joel Willis said, “Dancing at GSU events like the Jaguar Ball makes me feel included and encouraged for my dance future, knowing people here accept me, enjoy my dancing and (it) makes me feel welcomed.”