Homecoming Kicks Off with Cornhole Tournament

Eight teams threw bags Monday afternoon with the hopes that they would win some bragging rights and extra swag in the Governors State University Cornhole Tourney. After a hard-fought battle with the challengers, two students, Faith Curran and Russell Ward. finished on top.

Russell Ward and Faith Curran give a thumbs-up after winning the cornhole tournament. (Chris Weber)

Ward explained that he started off the last match very strong and Curran was able to clinch victory for the team with some precision throws. “A fantastic open and a fantastic finish,” said Ward as he congratulated his teammate and thanked her for the win.

Curran and Ward eliminated Ryan Santoro and Bryce Johnson in the final bracket. The last match ended with a score of 21-6. “They wiped the floor with us,” said Johnson. The losing team mentioned that it was a good game and that they had fun competing in the tournament even though they were not able to win the final round.

Ryan Santoro and Bryce Johnson (Chris Weber)

The cornhole tournament was hosted by the GSU College of Arts and Sciences. This is the second year CAS has hosted the Cornhole Tourney for GSU Homecoming.

Students can participate in many homecoming events throughout the week and a complete list of activities can be found here.