Jaguar Pride #2: Taking the pulse of GSU

“Jaguar Pride” is a weekly newscast produced by GSU Media Studies students for GSU students. The latest episode of “Jaguar Pride” features stories on the recent First Friday Casino Night at GSU by John Redfield Jr, the “Calling Out Rape Culture” event as part of Sexual Assault Awareness month at GSU by Nuha Abdessalam, the upcoming performance of “12 Angry Jurors” by Tiyen Simmons, and student reactions about “The Slap” at the Oscars by Jazmine Grisby. 

The Advanced Audio Production Students in the Media Studies Program at Governors State University are producing a weekly newscast called “Jaguar Pride.” This weekly newscast will cover the news and many of the events happening at GSU plus stories on the students and faculty. “Jaguar Pride” is hosted and edited by Claude T. Martinez. The students reporters record their own packages covering their specific assignment. Dante Corona is our campus news reporter. Nuha Abdessalem covers health and wellness on the GSU campus. Tiyen Simmons is assigned to GSU’s arts and entertainment. John Redfield Jr spotlights a specific faculty member or student each week. Jazmine Grisby is the road reporter asking GSU students questions on different topics each week.

Every Tuesday until the end of the Spring 2022 semester there will be a new episodes “Jaguar Pride” posted here on the GSU Phoenix website. Listen to “Jaguar Pride” in the player at the top of this story or by clicking this link Jaguar Pride Episode 2