Jaguars can say goodbye to their first semester back on campus since the pandemic
Merry Christmas from the Phoenix staff
GSU’s students and faculty are wrapping up their first semester of on-campus classes and activities since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Some things haven’t changed: Final exams still loom; end-of-term projects still need last-minute touches; research papers still need one more edit before they are submitted.
Other things reflect the impact of the virus and its resultant 19-month quarantine. Face masks are required; social distancing means smaller gatherings and audiences at performances; classes and meetings by Zoom remain part of the curriculum.
Still, we were back. We were once again part of the Jaguar community, especially exemplified by the return of Homecoming.
Senior Zhamarr Thompkins talked about the impact on him.
“Before the pandemic, the GSU community was growing exponentially, and it was a great time to be a Jaguar,” he said. “The pandemic stopped us from being together but it didn’t stop us. Now that we are back on campus and back together, I’m happy that we are picking up where we left off and I’m so proud to be a part of this community.”
Now our classes end Dec. 17, and they will resume Jan. 18.
A big thank you to all departments who have worked with the Phoenix to cover events and highlight the student body’s efforts. We are incredibly grateful to members in the GSU community who have been keeping students, faculty, and staff members as safe as possible, with the ongoing measures of sanitizing and disinfecting.
Now it’s time for some R&R. We’re about to take a break for Christmas and New Year’s, and we at the Phoenix News hope that every student, faculty and staff member relaxes and recharges their batteries.
Enjoy a restful and joyous break, filled with memorable moments with family and friends. We hope all of you expand your culinary and artistic palates … and then come back to campus energized for the new semester.
We at the Phoenix will be ready to expand our coverage to keep the GSU community informed.