Welcome Back Jaguars! January, Spring 2021 Edition

(Photo courtesy of element5digital)

Welcome back and Happy New Year to all the Jaguars, Staff, and Administration! As we return from our Winter break, the Spring Semester 2021 is setting the template for a challenging but rewarding year. For starters we are still living the new normal that we have tried our best to get adjusted to: the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic. While most people have been following health and safety guide lines, others have not. But we encourage everybody to do their utmost to stay away from large social gatherings, away from exposure to symptoms and therefore stay disease-free. This has been the most effective tactic in curbing rising COVID-19 rates.

Beyond that, all of the Phoenix staff hope that everyone is excited to begin a new semester and a new year at Governors State University … even if it is virtually for the most part. Here at the Phoenix, we will be working hard to keep all of you informed about virtual events, meetings and policies for this term.

GSU’s Fall 2020 operating plan surrounding COVID-19 has expressed that students would be continuing their academic progress virtually. Taking action in ways similar to this are just one of the ways GSU does its best to mitigate possible COVID-19 infection.

But rest assured, there will be many ways for students to get involved from the comfort and safety of their own homes through virtual meetings held by various GSU organizations throughout the Spring semester. So, we can breathe a sigh of relief, mask free in our homes.

Jaguars be sure to keep a look out for reminder emails and other notifications posted on social media platforms for various related updates.Have a wonderful and safe Spring 2021 semester!