The Phoenix is taking a Winter Break, too

(Art courtesy of Madelynn Prieboy)

Well Jaguars, while I can’t say it’s been the most fun and enthusiastic semester, it certainly has been an interesting yet challenging one! *Phew!*

But we did it! We made it to the end of the semester, and we’re finally going to soak in some much-needed time off! This would be a great time to jump into some new and fun hobbies to keep you busy as you enjoy your well-deserved time away from coursework. Some of these things can include catching up on some of your favorite TV shows, taking more time to work on personal projects, videogaming, reaching out and maintaining social connections with friends and family- coursework takes up so much of our time! >_<

Don’t forget to nurture your personal connections! But if you decide to engage with social interactions in person, please be sure and conscientious to exercise social distancing protocols and do NOT FORGET to wear your face masks as you go out and into public spaces and wash your hands whenever you return from being out in public. But if you’re connecting virtually then you’re golden!

As for the Phoenix Newsroom, we also will be stepping away during part of the Winter Break to recharge and refuel our creativity, to rise again from Winter’s ashes and begin a new semester. The Phoenix Newsroom will be back on Jan. 4, 2021.

Please feel free to email any one of our Phoenix Staff writers. Personally, I’m more than happy to regularly check my emails during the break if you want to talk, catch up, or perhaps go over some topics and ideas you’d like to see the Phoenix Newsroom discuss in the Spring 2021 semester.

Stay safe out there, enjoy the holidays, and we’ll see you next year Jaguars!