COVID-19 Update: What the Future Holds for Living Through the Coronavirus Right Now and Beyond

(Photo Courtesy of Tai’s Captures)

The Coronavirus pandemic has really challenged all of us to adapt in many ways we didn’t think possible, physically and mentally, but with hope and determination on our side there will be some better times ahead of us. There will still undoubtedly be hard times to deal with as we look to trying to finish the rest of the year on a strong and emotionally positive note. It is important to stay vigilant in keeping up with safety protocols in the face of COVID-19. People must remember to practice proper mask wearing and cover their noses and mouths when going out in public spaces, especially in spaces where many people travel through like stores, gas, stations and other high traffic locations. NBC 5 Chicago’s website posted some new relevant COVID-19 updates on the 16th, with some additional updates on the 17th. “Illinois saw its hospitalization numbers continue to increase on Monday with 5,581 residents currently in hospitals due to coronavirus-like illnesses. Of those patients, 1,144 are currently in intensive care units, and 514 are on ventilators. All three statistics are the highest metrics the state has seen in their respective categories since the first peak in COVID-19 cases earlier this year” (NBC This information must serve the public in the best ways possible by reiterating that infection rates can and will get worse with time if people are not embracing the protective protocols set forth by health departments. Especially when important officials make new announcements with updates on the pandemic. “With a new wave of COVID-19 surging across the state of Illinois, the Midwest and the nation, Governor JB Pritzker and the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) today [November 17] announced additional COVID-19 resurgence mitigations will take effect in every region across the state in an attempt to slow the spread of the virus” (Illinois Department of Public Health).

Anyone can look to this link for more information on Will County Health Department’s COVID-19 data.

For more information on the recent Tier 3 Resurgence Mitigation announcement made by J.B. Pritzker and the Illinois Department of Public Health click on this link

And for updates from the Illinois Department of Public Health use the link below.